Welcome to BED’s Visual History Library.   Download and use any of our curated images to illustrate your publications and brochures or use as visual aids spark new dialogues with students.  Our visuals are either out of copyright or directly donated by artists who understand that BDSM educators may use them.  

What’s New Here

New for February 2020  – Expanded and updated

Efrain Gonzalez Photo Gallery

New for October 2019A tribute to historic Scene figure, Belle du Jour

Belle du Jour

Our Permanent Collections

Mistress Michelle Peters Collection

A BED Curation Project.  Launched August 2018, scheduled completion 2019

Belle Du Jour, 1970s-1980s

BDSM Male Icons, 1950s-1990s

Bi/Pan/Poly/Queer Publications

Female Prodoms, 1970s-1980s

Female Prodoms, Part 2

Gay Leather Publications, 1960s-1990s

Gay Leather Publications, Part 2

Lesbian Kink/BDSM Publications

Historic Art, Illustrations and Photos

FemDom and Foot Fetish Art by Bruno Schulz

BDSM Illustrations, 1850s-1950s

Kinky and Queer Images from Greco-Roman Times

Kink Publications 1920s-1980s

BDSM Studio Photos, 1890s-1950s

Man Ray’s Queer Legacy

Contemporary Artists

Efrain Gonzalez Photo Gallery

Rich Stadtmiller: Rich’s Trove

Steve Sandler, Fetish Portraits

Vintage NLA Leather Contests

Mr. Chicago Leather 1991 via LA&M

International Mr. Leather 1987 via LA&M

Gloria’s BDSM Archives on Pinterest

Thousands of sexually historic photos from Gloria’s long-dismantled visual blog.  This is a partial list of categories. Each link opens a new window for easy browsing on Pinterest.

Different Lovers/BDSM History

BDSM/fetish Paperbacks and Pulps

1930s Fetish Fashions

LGBTQ Pulp Fiction

Gender Fluid

LGBTQ History

Pin-Up and Burlesque

Pulp Fiction Sex & Erotica

Vintage Sexploitation Magazines

Sex History and Pop Culture

Rules for Using BED Images

All images in the BED Visual Library are —

free for your use in brochures, flyers,  publication, websites, or to project on a screen when you’re teaching.

All images were either —

donated by the artist, royalty-free. A biography and contact information is listed on each artist’s page.


copyright-free old images collected and archived by Dr. Brame, illustrating BDSM in history.  All photos in this category have gone out of copyright and are free to use without restrictions.  

 Link to BED (bededucators.gloriabrame.com) appreciated but not required.

How to Submit Images

The BED Visual Library welcomes donations of high-quality, royalty free images from contemporary BDSM/kink/Fetish artists in all web-friendly media (illustrations, photos, digital art, images of paintings, performance, or sculptures, etc.).  You must hold the copyright to the work (i.e., original artist or owner).   Add a watermark or credit to each photo you submit.  Please submit images at high resolution,  full-size, in jpg or png form.  Include your bio and any links you’d like us to use so we can send people to your sites.  All photos must be PG-rated: no explicit nudity, consenting adults (21+) only.  No non-SSC/RACK content allowed.  Queries to: gloria@gloriabrame.com