We are pleased to announce that Miss Marla of Onyx Pearls Southeast has just been accepted into our Educators Directory. This brings our total number of vetted professional educators to 19. Considering the long process involved of submitting an application and then being reviewed by our Board of 7 members until we reach a majority opinion, we think that’s pretty great for just 7 weeks of existence! The pace is just right for us, and we’ve met our “one week or less” approval deadline for all candidates thus far. Thank you to our early supporters and believers! We are so proud to have you! All our BED listees are trustworthy leaders and activists in their Communities, known for their passionate commitment to helping BDMSers, Fetishists, Leather people, and other alt.kink adults learn and grow.
In even bigger news for us, The Kink Shop contacted us to say they wanted to support this initiative! YASSS. Our first sponsor! We thank them from the bottom of our BED.
Their motto is “by kinky people, for kinky people” and we think that’s a beautiful motto!
Check out their banner on our all-new Sponsors page, and then visit their site for intriguing toys to spice up your pleasure.
Even if you can’t participate as an educator or educator on BED, check out our new Ad/Sponsor FAQ to learn about BED’s future goals. You’ll be amazed by what we plan to create for our Communities and for you! Your donations will help us build this dream.