Second Piece by Guy Baldwin

Another growth moment for the Library! Today, we added Assuming we can track them down, we will be adding two more pieces by Guy Baldwin in coming weeks, excerpted from his book, TIES THAT BIND: SM/Leather/Fetish Erotic Style Issues, Commentaries, and Advice, I’ll leave a note here when they are Read more…

Guy Baldwin’s in BED!

Today feels even more historic here as we are honored to welcome Leather Icon and Community catalyst, Guy Baldwin, for sharing some pieces from his epic archive of speeches and essays. The first essay was just added to the Reading Library, and will teach you much about the roots of Read more…

Welcome to Celina from Munich

The Board just approved a talented new educator from Germany named Celina.  She runs an upbeat and informative, illustrated BDSM education site –   Celina is the sexologist in residence at McArthur & McArthur Studios in Munich and Sponsor, of the Nachtschatten Film Fest. BDSM Educators Directory The BED Read more…